Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Share the road...that is all I have to say. Ok, maybe a few other things. A lot of cities are adding bike lanes to their roads, mine included. For the streets that lack a designated bike line, there are signs saying share the road. Well, that goes for those who want to be green and ride their bikes. You too have to share the road. It does not give you a free ticket to weave in and out of traffic, or cut in front of cars and slow down. Share the road!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Business Section

I was reading in the business section of my local newspaper on Saturday that CompUSA will be closing. I was sadden to read that. First of all, I didn't know it was own by a Mexican company. A reason was not listed as to why the store would be closing. Some of the stores will be sold, and the others will just be closed. I really liked shopping at CompUSA. It has been the only real big box computer store. They always carried more than Best Buy or Circuit City. I wonder if this means that consumers will be able to find some good buys once the stores start to close. I guess I 'll have to resort to shopping online for my computer needs, but I have always like knowing that I could go to CompUSA to actually see and pick up the item.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Trying to get work done and Christmas shop

We are in the swing of the holiday season, and I have yet to start my shopping. Most of it is done online since I have to mail a majority of my gifts. Yet, it can be tough to figure out when to buy things so that they make it to their destination on time, but not too early. Of course it is usually best to order early since some things could be back ordered, which I already experienced.

I also have my decorations pulled out of the storage closet, but only have a few things on display. Even my tree is still bare, and it looks nice bare! I'm just not sure where I want to place things. In my old house everything seemed to have its place. Is it just the time of year, or am I really missing Florida? Do I really consider Florida my home?

It has only been since May that we moved, and at the time I wrote in my blog that it was time to leave Florida. Yet, I feel like I'm going through some withdrawal. Yes, 9 years is a long time to live in a place, so of course it is natural to miss the friends and daily lifestyle that I had, but I know I don't miss many of the crazy things about Florida. I think most know there is a lot of crazy down there.

I can't say I have been disappoint with Pittsburgh, but have felt a little let down. From lifestyle to government, PA is just an odd place and different from other northern places that I'm used to. The outcome of the move here will be a good one. It is possible that I was rushing my expectations, and perhaps things will pick up.

First Entry

So this is my first entry on Blogger, and who knows what will happen. I've written in other blogs before, but either didn't get any responses when I thought I would or just didn't keep up with the blog.

Sometimes I have a lot to say, and I just want to type/write it all out. Unfortunately, it might not make sense, and I wouldn't want to lose anyone as they read the entry. I think that is why I have chosen the title, "Thoughts running through my mind", for on some days I literally feel like my thoughts are running through my head. They're either running in circles or in and out of my conscientious thinking.

To those that stumble upon this, welcome, and thanks for reading!